Roots of Creativity

In a very basic sense, to be creative means to draw on new possibilities. And your potential depends on your belief systems (what you believe is possible); you see what you believe, not the other way around. So the question is: how can we shape our beliefs so that we are able to enjoy the full breadth of our creative potential – at work, or in any relationship? What beliefs are most aligned with our infinite selves?

As humans in this day and age, we have the task to design our lifestyles so that we are in harmony with what we find most meaningful. In a way, to design your lifestyle means to design your mind. Dare to venture to the roots of your mind and make the alterations so that you can expand your experiences and reach new heights of creativity and joy. These roots grow in your beliefs. Identify your beliefs and watch how they form your reality. You have the choice to change any belief as you prefer and once you make that choice, the shift is made instantly; there is no need to argue over it in your mind.

If you believe you will face hardship in the down economy, you are likely to experience that. If you believe you are going to thrive and find great meaning in your experiences, then that is what you will most likely get. The main element that brings charge to your beliefs is trust. The more deeply you trust in something, the more that belief will be nurtured and will grow into your experience. So trust in your infinite self and allow it to guide you to who you want to become. Follow the path of least resistance and everything will work out. Trust me.

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