Empowerment in Conversations: “The Coaching Habit” Summary and Actionable Insights

“The leader of the past was a person who knew how to tell. The leader of the future will be a person who knows how to ask.”
– Peter Drucker.

Listening and asking the right questions are elemental skills that all great leaders possess. “The Coaching Habit” is a must-read for managers and leaders who aspires to be more self-aware and effective. The book shows how to be a better listener and ask better questions toward greater trust and performance in a team.

Written in a down-to-earth tone, this book offers valuable insights and actionable tips to help you transform your conversations and empower others to reach their full potential. Here are some key insights from the book:

  1. The Power of Asking Questions: Stanier emphasizes the importance of asking powerful questions to unlock potential and promote growth in others. Instead of jumping in with advice or solutions, he encourages coaches to adopt a curious mindset and ask questions that challenge assumptions, provoke reflection, and encourage deeper thinking. By becoming a more skillful questioner, you can facilitate meaningful conversations that lead to greater insights and development.
  2. The Art of Listening: Effective coaching relies on active listening. Stanier highlights the significance of truly hearing what the other person is saying, without interrupting or jumping to conclusions. By practicing deep listening, coaches can create a safe and supportive environment that encourages open dialogue and trust. This enables individuals to express themselves fully, leading to more impactful coaching conversations and fostering stronger relationships.
  3. Building a Habit of Coaching: Stanier emphasizes the importance of developing a habit of coaching, where coaching becomes a natural part of your daily interactions. He introduces the “Coaching Habit Model,” which encourages coaches to focus on essential coaching questions and establish a structure for their conversations. By integrating coaching into your routine and consistently using key questions, you can cultivate a coaching mindset and make a lasting impact on those around you.

Actionable Insights:

  1. Start with “The Kickstart Question”: Begin your coaching conversations by asking the powerful question: “What’s on your mind?” This question allows individuals to express their concerns, challenges, or goals, setting the stage for a productive coaching dialogue.
  2. Practice “The AWE Question”: Use the “AWE Question” – “And what else?” – to encourage deeper exploration and generate additional insights. By asking this question, you prompt individuals to dig deeper into their initial responses and uncover hidden layers of understanding or alternative perspectives.
  3. Focus on “The 60% Rule”: Adopt the “60% Rule” by minimizing the time you spend talking and maximizing the time spent listening. Aim to listen for at least 60% of the conversation, allowing the other person to share their thoughts, emotions, and ideas freely. This cultivates a coaching environment that empowers individuals to find their own solutions and take ownership of their development.


Arya Salehi is a storyteller and growth coach, helping individuals unlock their full potential by fostering trust and learning at work and in relationships. He believes in asking the right questions, rather than having all the answers. He lives in Roseville, CA.