
The worst thing you can do when you’re numb and weary is to give up, yet it’s the easiest course of action. Everything seems out of reach and nothing works. Stuck in the undertow. You feel powerless. But deep down you know that it will pass. It always has. You’ve come this far with patience and gratitude. You know it well. But no matter, patience is a bitch equally as a noble virtue. Still, eagerly you greet your guests at the door, their names are Self-pity and Despair and you hear them play their songs all day. They play with flair.

Gradually, and then suddenly, something shifts. A friend calls. An idea turns up. You go with it. Things develop on their own accord. To your surprise, you find yourself with new scents and delights, like waking up with a sober smile. You overhear yourself, “You don’t have to force things to be. There is a natural process underway and it shows itself when you’re ready.” Your body trembles and you’re fully here, there’s that whisper again in your ear, “Your job is to keep showing up with eyes wide and an open heart. You don’t have to look far to know who you are.”