BeeNow podcast, Episode 53
Stephen DiSalvio – or as I call myself – me. But you should probably call me… Stephen. I grew up in New Jersey – the suburbs of NYC. I’m a complex coordination of compounds directed by my DNA, but mostly I’m just water.
Here’s a list of my “achievements” so that you can more easily judge my relative value as a human being: programmer for 4 years, teacher for 2 years, produced 2 albums (search: thoughtpeace), performed stand-up comedy, written lots of poems, overcame lots of anxiety, accepted that I’m going to be alone forever, then fell in love, forgotten more things than I’ve remembered (like where I’m going with this introduction). Oh yeah, and I played the trombone in high school.
Anyway, I’m a person like you, listen to me say words about my human experiences. Some of them will be interesting… maybe… depending on your perspective. I’d be a terrible salesman. Accepting your weaknesses is important. But they’re not really weaknesses, you just don’t want to spend that much time on some things. Like how I spent more time making this self-introduction quirky rather than persuasive. So listen to me talk – or cover your ears until Arya starts talking again – either way really. Life is a constantly unfolding process and I won’t judge you. And even if I do, so what?
Some questions that we explored:
– What’s a hard thing that you did recently?
– Who was your first homie in Chengdu?
– Where does social anxiety come from?
– What’s the difference between people-pleasing and just being yourself?