BeeNow podcast, Episode 56
“A bunch of tickets took me around Europe, a wanderlust heart showed me around the East and West coast of America, a foodie mouth brings me to Chengdu, a camera leads me to Chengdu’s streets and alleys, my blog shares all kinds of thoughts and stuff, my small little kitchen hosts interesting people from different places. My name is Amiee, nice to meet you~”
In this episode, Amiee shares her journey as an outsider, not knowing much, to finding a sense of home in Chengdu. She talks about her connection with street photography and her process of waiting and observing. We also discuss finding happiness in the mundane, how to get through when feeling blue, quality me-time, homie time, and the value of learning by doing.
What is dilly dallying you ask? Dilly dallying is aimlessly wandering and wasting time. For example, “I hate when people accuse me of lollygagging when I’m quite clearly dilly-dallying.” Sometimes you got to dilly-dally to get something done.