Do your job (part 1)

Doing your job does not begin and end at the workplace. Your job is a lifelong interaction with what you hold sacred in any given moment. Sacred might seem like a strange word, but all it means is that you give importance to something; that there is an underlying, often hidden, value to the whole experience that’s not limited to the habit patterns of the mind. It means you are open and alive in the moment! It could be as simple as the way one sits on a chair, or the way one drinks water from a cup. These seemingly mundane acts often reflect how we collaborate with co-workers or parent at home. It’s in the language of subtly and emotions.

This writing process, for example, is important to me because it is the medium through which I express this feeling and a chance to have an honest conversation with myself. If I were to limit this experience to how others might critique or whether or not it fits with conventional wisdom, then I would be distorting what I know to be true. Sacred is an ongoing dialogue with your truth. Your job, at its best, is done with passion, persistence, and non-judgmental alertness to what you hold sacred – whether you are writing an email or having lunch with a friend.