Memory, attachment, and mental health

As children, we are mirrors of our caregivers and keenly aware of their inner lives. Our parents are the first minds we encounter and connect with so we are extra-sensitive towards them. Our childhood impressions form the building blocks of our memories which shape mental health as we mature. The mind is, in part, made up of memories which Psychologists categorize into two types: implicit and explicit memory. For example, when you first learned how to walk, the brain coordinated weight and limbs to keep the body balanced. Through trial and error it learned to walk, and with repetition, the muscles retained the pattern. And now we don’t need to remember those first steps in order to walk. With this implicit memory, walking became second nature. The same applies to riding…
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Design for joy: how GE re-imagined its approach to technology

design thinking
When General Electric (GE) first unveiled its MRI scanner into hospitals, who knew their cutting-edge technology would make a little girl cry? Their senior designer, Doug Dietz, was proud of the technical feats of their product but on the first day of its release, a little girl entered the hospital room with her father. The monster-looking MRI machine was waiting for her in the corner. She was terrified, tugging on her daddy’s pants with teary eyes and dad giving her words of encouragement. Doug was disappointed to see that all his efforts had gone toward tears rolling down the child’s cheeks. Doug never anticipated this when his team was engineering the product. But Doug is a learner, and willing to challenge his own thinking. The disappointment inspired him to ask…
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Conscious with Jadu

"Work is love made visible." - Kahlil Gibran, Poet Conscious living is the creation of wealth and wellbeing in your life and career. It takes not only strategy but a way of understanding your world and optimizing its vitality. Worth is not measured by how much one takes but by how much one gives to a greater cause. A conscious life is a generous life. In the worlds of Scott Fitzgerald, "Vitality never takes." When plans shift a reasonable person adapts with understanding. Understanding means asking big questions with honesty and integrity. Questions like: what's my ideal job? What's my ideal team? And what's my ideal life? Defining a vision is the job of a leader. The world needs more leaders. If there is anything a leader takes, it's responsibility. Being idealistic in this way doesn't…
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