When does it become timeless?
And then you wake up and realize that everyone has their own distinct relationship with time. And time flies when trust is present. Trust emerges with wisdom: knowing yourself and the nature of our sensations, emotions, and thoughts. It's a process and while discomfort may arise, courage is the cure. And naturally trust flourishes in our selves and relationships through the alignment of mind, body, and soul.

How to do nothing and create change
Deferring action is equally important as deliberate action. This is the essence of Zen and Tao teachings which suggest the value of non-action: to simply allow the natural order of things to take shape. It’s not apathy or avoidance, nor is it acting prematurely. It's a balance of attention, trusting the process, and having awareness of the dynamic range and greater flow of life. In music, when and how one hits the strings is what produces the emotional connection and sense of rhythm. Timing is everything and empty spaces in between notes support the musical experience. 1. Look at the big picture In Gestalt Psychology, it is said that the whole is more than the sum of the parts. It's the classic example of the vase and two faces present side-by-side, and focusing on one tends to block…

Substance of attention
Attention: social media is where it’s at. It’s not a good or bad thing, and it’s not the source of attention either. The source of attention, that’s a worthy curiosity, from which everything else takes root. The way is not to focus on outward appearances but dive directly into the inner substance of here and now. Choice is the fiber of attention. You can either look at someone and judge them based on their political correctness and how many followers they have on Instagram; or you can suspend judgment, look at someone human-to-human, and instantly get a sense of their story, strengths, and superpowers. The latter tends to be more interesting. You can wrinkle your forehead and thumb into a screen or you can relish at how the sun falls on your shoulders as heat…

Presence and politics: an inside job
Voting doesn’t necessarily mean being in touch with reality. And not voting doesn’t mean not caring. No matter who wins the election this year, there is work to be done. No politician is going to save you from your worries or make you a better person. Transformation is an inside job. It’s the molding of a mission and the best bet is with inner clarity. It's not the absence of chaos or conflict but a simple alignment between words and actions. [perfectpullquote align="left" cite="" link="" color="" class="" size=""]The question is do you trust yourself enough to let go?[/perfectpullquote] It’s not about shaping clever debate tactics or sniffing for a better ignorance package. Ignorance is not bliss. Innocence is. Innocence to simply be at play between gut and reason. And you don’t have…