Surprise spaces

Life is full at the moment, everyday is new in Shanghai. Been here for a week, on the 22nd floor of a Holiday Inn with purple carpeting, free water, and a nice view of buildings stacked over the landscape. I start the mornings with an abraham hicks recording, meditation, stretches, writing, and complimentary breakfast. I'm with a group in the new teacher training. We're a diverse bunch in discipline and nationality, here to teach English for a year. One has a doctorate in physics, another is a published poet and used to be an all star rugby player, another is tone deaf and sings. Everyday I find new pockets of insight. Today I searched all over and could not find my envelope of money. Then I remembered a friend had…
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Moving with a vision

I was running by the ocean at sunset. Seeing the vivid hues cascade through the clouds, I stopped and started to move around in free form. unaware of anyone looking, I just let the body move as I gazed at the sky. An older man walks over to me from around the bend like he's been expecting me and says, "I see you're doing Tai Chi, I've been practicing for many years." I pointed to the sky and I told him that I was just moving to that vision. We shared a brief conversation about balance and gratitude and parted ways.
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Play is power

"Play is the highest form of research." -Albert Einstein Edison's "invention factory" played with a 6,000 different materials until they could light a bulb that was practical for home use. Einstein used thought experiments to explore the physics of light which led to his theories on Relativity. Davinci watched birds and sketched flying machines, and eventually the Wright brothers learned to build one. These minds were visionaries in the sense that they had a capacity to be in playful communion with nature. And while they failed many times on their way to success, to them failure meant one step closer. Their quest to learn inspired their drive and harvested their mistakes. Babies learn to walk the same way. They observe their parents walking on two legs and as their sensory-motor…
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2 things

Success: It's a lot of "what is this?" "how does it work?" "Let's try this..." until there is no gap between you and what is, because you know that the future never comes. Happiness: It's a lot of playing around with this and that til you realize you're in love.
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An inner focus of breath, spine, and no mind

Tuesday night meditation/healing circle after 90min of yoga. There were eight of us in the group, led by my good friend Jerome Gross. Jerome teaches yoga and fitness and does incredible energy healing. In the depths of my depression and despair, he is among the few friends whose authenticity and simple presence have moved me. We all have those kinds of people in our lives, for good reason. Every time I stay for the healing session, I learn a new technique to deepen my connection with body and spirit and find the mind at ease. On this night, Jerome guided us through the spine as a gateway to bring calm and alignment to the space of another. We began by breathing and being aware of our own spine, slowly gliding our…
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