Do your job (part 1)

Doing your job does not begin and end at the workplace. Your job is a lifelong interaction with what you hold sacred in any given moment. Sacred might seem like a strange word, but all it means is that you give importance to something; that there is an underlying, often hidden, value to the whole experience that's not limited to the habit patterns of the mind. It means you are open and alive in the moment! It could be as simple as the way one sits on a chair, or the way one drinks water from a cup. These seemingly mundane acts often reflect how we collaborate with co-workers or parent at home. It's in the language of subtly and emotions. This writing process, for example, is important to me…
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The potentialist

Working between art and science, writing about love for the work, money is a byproduct of loving what you do, wanting to create magic in the world, the potentialist creates art, engages the rhythm of awareness. Everything is connected, part of an interconnected web of life. Writing from that space of openness and creativity, there is a method to the madness, there is a method to the love. At its core, the method is universal, expressed in a wide variety of ways, the method to innovate: make something, be honest, don’t compromise, be yourself, make space for deeper potentials, dance with the dose of discomfort, or maybe just a different way, it’s a messy process, seek and make sense, with absolutely no sense at all, sense the alignment, properties of…
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Rivers of…

Sometimes, we forget that things do not have to be perfect, For things to work out and serve their purpose, Mistakes polish the idea for the lessons to shine, Let them shine! Problems are built into perception, Change your view, change the situation, Make a mess, be impressed, Let go, learn as you go, The dreamer moves through the river bends, Striking through one way or another, No harsh feelings, no resistance, Just providing space for the solution to arise, Not as you like it, but as it happens to be in its own eyes.
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4 steps to entrepreneurship

1. Do what you love: move with the rhythm of your passion, make mistakes and learn along the way. Don’t attach to outcomes. Ideas grow in the present - always have, always will. 2. Make an impact: test your idea, get feedback from customers, course-correct as needed; the goal is to make a positive difference. Things like website traffic and revenue are secondary outcomes. Focus on making something cool for your customers. Steve Jobs has repeatedly stated, from his earliest to his final interviews, “We focus on making GREAT products.” 3. Get great at it: master your craft, challenge yourself, don’t compromise great ideas for merely 'good enough.' Stay focused on what you can be great at, leave the rest for others to handle. Do not waist resources on things you…
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Work the process

Innovation is often thought of as a risky endeavor. However, by understanding the forces that shape successful ideas, one can systematically tailor a process that reduces the risks while maximizing the returns on a team's creative energy. IDEO provides a classic example of a consistent and repeatable process. IDEO applies a methodology they call “design thinking,” which is highly collaborative, customer-centric, and loaded with prototyping. The process includes five main phases and is consistent with methods used among the world’s innovative companies. It is not necessarily a step-by-step process but one that evolves organically to fit with what is needed for the moment. Empathize Observe the customer and get to know what it’s like for them to experience your product or service. What are their desires and pain points? Gather…
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