Shedding superstition

In China the number 4 is considered unlucky because it sounds similar to the word "death" in Mandarin. My name has 4 letters in it. I was at odds until I realized that anything that grows has 4 seasons. Arya 1 Superstition 0
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this moment is sufficient

getting baack into a morning meditation routine brings me ever so present, yielding to this very moment, a flow of stillness, non-motive, because the present moment is sufficient. then something takes over the day with powers beyond my grasp. i stand at the edge of emptiness and quietly fall in, at last.
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Self-awareness on the airplane

I'm on an airplane reading a book on my iPad. the book is titled Extreme Ownership written by some Navy SEALS captains. Excellent book with war stories and leadership lessons. I have newfound respect for those guys. Anyway there is a photo in the book with a ton of ammunition laid on the table, a poster of the SEALS skull patch, and pictures of SEALS lost in combat. I'm zooming in and around the photo when I notice the person to my right gazing over me. I realize I'm a Persian man on an airplane looking at fire arm and death symbols. I immediately put away the device and turn on a cartoon on the seat monitor to balance the equation.
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